F320 Contracts 2024 R2
This course introduces the contract management functionality of Acumatica ERP. The current version of the course is valid for Acumatica ERP 2024 R2.
The course consists of step-by-step examples that you are supposed to complete. Through the examples, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in Acumatica ERP:
- Creating contract items and contract templates
- Configuring specific contracts, including empty contracts and deposit contracts
- Setting up and activating contracts
- Performing contract billing
- Renewing and terminating contracts
- Updating contract terms
- Canceling actions performed on contracts
Training Recordings
The webinar recordings presented below are based on the training guide for Acumatica ERP 2022 R2. Because of this, the topics described and shown in the recordings may differ from the course materials for Acumatica ERP 2024 R2.
In this training, the following PowerPoint presentation has been used: F320 Contracts 2022 R2